


From "Phonetic Gloss" to "Meaning of Words": Paradigms of the Discussion of Benevolence in East Asian Confucianism




伍振勳(Zhen-Xun Wu)


《中庸》 ; 朱熹 ; 陳淳 ; 伊藤仁齋 ; 仁說 ; 聲訓 ; 字義 ; "The Doctrine of the Mean" ; Zhu xi ; Chen Chun ; Ito Jinsai ; the Discussion of Benevolence (ren) ; Phonetic Gloss ; Meaning of words




10卷2期(2013 / 12 / 01)


187 - 219






The discussion of benevolence (ren) is a prominent theme in East Asian Confucianism. Following the assertion of Ito Jinsai (1627-1705), a Japanese Tokugawa Confucianist, that ”Phonetic gloss is not orthodox,” this essay surveys the elaborations of benevolence across the East Asian region and delineates the distinction between ”phonetic gloss” and ”meaning of words” as two major types, each of which represents a specific intellectual paradigm. In this way, a paradigm shift is observed in the development of East Asian Confucianism. In addition, this essay also lays stress on the ”meaning of words” as a strategic method of exposition applied by East Asian Neo-Confucianists. Through the comparison between the ”Neo-Confucian Terms Explained (The Pei-hsi Tzu-i)” by Chen Chun (1159-1223), one of Zhu xi's disciples, and ”The Meaning of Words in the Analects and Mencius” by Ito Jinsai, this essay then investigates the debate over the qualification of a ”orthodox gloss” between the philosophy of Zhu Xi (1130-1200) and Jinsai as well as the consciousness of orthodoxy within this debate. In short, the overall intention of this essay aims at exposing the deep-rooted linguistic nature in humanistic discourses and testifying to the versatility and vitality among East Asian Confucianists as they strive to elevate the condition and meaning of human existence in an interacting context.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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