


The Cultural Meaning from "Kai Hentai" to "Departure from Asia for Europe"




周頌倫(Song-Lun Zhou)


華夷變態 ; 脫亞入歐 ; 國體論 ; 文化意味 ; Kai Hentai ; Departure from Asia for Europe ; polity thought ; cultural meaning




12卷1期(2015 / 06 / 01)


143 - 166






The topic of Kai Hentai appeared during in the period of Ming-Qing transition. According to Hayashi Gahou's expectation of Zheng Chenggong's effect to restore the Ming Dynasty, we can see that Hayashi Gahou followed close to the line of culture position of "Ming-Hua, Qing-Yi" while he was compling "Kai Hentai." Subsequently, on this topic, somebodies agree with the original meaning and insist on Hua-Yi distinction, while others distort the original meaning and focus on the Kai Hentai. After the Qing government crackdown the Revolt of the Three Feudatories, the realistic foundation of Kai Hentai seemed to disappear, but the scholars of Kogaku and Kokugaku who advocated the polity thought tend to intentionally stressed the cultural meaning of Kai Hentai and designed a Japan-centered "Hua-Yi" order. When this trend encountered with Westphalian System, Fukuzawa Yukichi and others immediately found a prescription for breaking the "Hua-Yi Order," that is Departure from Asia for Europe. From then on, Japan not any more tangle with its Asia identity and take contempt to the culture of China and Korea, and then leave endless troubles in East Asian. In conclusion, although it cannot be directly connected between the "Kai Hentai" and the "Departure from Asia for Europe," through the rise and expansion "Kokutai thought," and through the "Enlightenment " by Western modern national system theory, there is still a curve connection between the two of that.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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