


A Historical Overview of the Yijing in the Ryukyu Kingdom in the Early Modern Period




吳偉明(Benjamin Wai-ming NG)


東亞《易》學 ; 琉球儒學 ; 漢籍流傳 ; 在地化 ; Yijing studies in East Asia ; Confucianism in the Ryukyu Kingdom ; popularization of Chinese books ; localization




12卷2期(2015 / 12 / 01)


1 - 20






Confucianism in the Ryukyu Kingdom in the early modern period put emphasis on practical knowledge rather than scholarship. Introductory texts and Song commentaries for the civil service examinations were particularly well received. Ryukyu scholars relied too much on the interpretations of Zhu Xi (1130-1200) and Cheng Yi (1033-1107), and thus few demonstrated a high level of originality in their readings of Confucian classics. The Yijing was not a very popular text in early modern Ryukyu. Scholars there did not reprint Chinese commentaries or write their own commentaries. However, the yinyang wuxing theory and divination associated with the Yijing were influential in Ryukyuan folklore. Applied to geomancy, folk religion, medicine, and architecture, they were incorporated into Ryukyu traditions. Based on primary sources written in early modern Ryukyu, China, and Japan, this study aims to outline the history of the Yijing in the Ryukyu Kingdom in the early modern period, focusing on its popularity and impact. It has implications for understanding the characteristics of Confucianism and the popularization of the Yijing in the Ryukyu Kingdom.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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