The decision for a Do Not Resuscitate directive (DNR) after major trauma in a young adult has always been a dilemma. We present a young female patient with major trauma who, after receiving emergent surgery, developed cardiac arrest with CPR and returned of spontaneous circulation (ROSC). Her parents signed a DNR to reduce suffering, yet they still accepted aggressive medical intervention in hope for a chance of survival. Severe injuries imposes high mortality and disability rate. Aggressive lifesaving procedures & medication bring the hope of cure. Meanwhile, patient suffered from the pain caused by those machines. When life comes to the end, DNR is one option to decrease all the discomfort physiologically & physically. However, it's often mistaken as "to give up this patient without making any effort" or "wait for death". "To strive for survival or to reduce suffering" is a critical issue. Family conferences with medical team are helpful to discuss care strategies with carers.
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