Purpose: The study purpose is to understand the effects on hospice palliative care education programs in the knowledge, attitude, self-efficacy, and behavior, as well as to improve nursing students’ ability to take care of terminal patients. Research Subjects and Method: The study used quasi-experimental design to enroll nursing students engaging in internship at a total of 14 units, such as Department of Internal Medicine, Department of Surgery, and Divisions of Gynecology and Pediatrics, in a certain medical center in the southern Taiwan in 2015 as the research subjects, with a total of 148 subjects enrolled. In addition, this study divided the subjects into the experimental group and control group according to the properties of divisions. The nursing students in the experimental group received the educational training of hospice palliative care on Day 1 of internship. Results: For nursing students' knowledge of hospice palliative care, the improvements in the posttest 1 and posttest 2 of the experimental group were more significant those of the control group, and reached statistical differences (p < 0.001). For attitude, the improvement in the posttest 1 of the experimental group was more significant than that of the control group, and reached statistical difference (p < 0.001). For self-efficacy, the improvements in the posttest 1 and posttest 2 of the experimental group were more significant than those of the control group, and reached statistical differences (p < 0.01). Conclusion:The research results showed that after the intervention of educational training, nursing students' knowledge of care for terminal patients was improved and they were more confident in and held a positive attitude towards providing holistic care.
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