Purpose: This study want to survey family attitudes of the bereavement care service in hospice ward. Materials and Methods: In this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted to send out 450 questionnaires for the bereaved families of the hospice ward who had lost their loved ones for more than three months, and recovered 107 valid questionnaires. The recovery rate was 23.8%. Results: There is a significant correlation between the degree of life recovery and the acceptance of bereavement care. Recovery-oriented family members, including those who are less sad and those with better life recovery, are less afraid to contact the hospice ward and have higher acceptance of bereavement care services. Lost-oriented family members, such as those who are sad, and whose life recovery is worse, are more evasive to the hospitals that their loved ones died, are more evasive to contact the medical team and hospice ward. The needs of the bereaved families include pre-dying notification, good for the deceased, body care, providing information, talking about the deceased, companionship, religious and psychological support, and respect for solitude. Conclusion: The important task of hospital-based bereavement care is acute grief support. The needs of family are to provide good medical care, end-of-life care, predying care, and body care for the deceased. To be kind to the deceased is to be kind to the living, and good care for the dead is regarded as good bereavement care. Bereavement care needs to consider the tendency of the bereaved family to the bereavement service. For the bereaved families who are willing to accept services, the palliative care team should adopt a non-pathological orientation to appreciate their recovery experience from loss.
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