


A Training Course for Helping the Hospice Care Professionals' Self-care with Art Therapy




許正眉(Jeng-Mei Hsu);呂素貞(Shu-Jen Lu);黃馨葆(Sin-Bao Huang);鍾明成(Ming-Cheng Chung);蔡佩渝(Pei-Yu Tsai)


藝術治療 ; 安寧醫療人員 ; 挑戰 ; 自我照顧 ; art therapy ; hospice care professionals ; challenge ; self-care




24卷1期(2020 / 03 / 01)


34 - 46




安寧醫療人員是承擔高工作壓力與悲憫疲憊(compassion fatigue)的族群。為照顧醫療人員的身心健康,彰化基督教醫院安寧病房安排「藝術治療活動」,在2016年12月22日到2018年5月22日,共進行十二次藝術治療活動。由藝術治療師帶領醫療人員創作及分享,使其在創作中與自己同在、覺察自己、照顧自己、疼惜自己。透過藝術創作活動,對醫療人員的幫助為:在專注中釋放焦慮、失落、悲傷、憤怒、恐懼等負面情緒,提升自我覺察能力以跳脫情緒困境,梳理並重整混亂的思緒,適應改變及釐清工作方向,以及運用所學成為溝通媒介,拉近醫病間的距離。利用安寧病房提供的「藝術創作空間」,讓醫療人員在照顧一位病人後可以讓心靈沉澱、歸零,使心靈得到滋養與轉化後再出發照顧下一位病人。「藝術治療活動」與「藝術創作空間」可帶來正面的助益,成為安寧醫療人員心理照顧的另一種選擇。


Hospice care professionals are a group of workers enduring tremendous stress and compassion fatigue from the work they do. Therefore, in order to care for their physical and mental well-being, Changhua Christian Hospital's Hospice Ward has created an art therapy program. The art therapy has been conducted for 12 times from December 22, 2016 to May 22, 2018. An art therapist would use creative art activities and sharing to allow hospice care professionals being with themselves, improving self-awareness, and taking care of themselves. In the focus of creative activities, hospice care professionals can release negative emotions such as anxiety, anger, and fear; increase their self-awareness to alleviate stress; sort out and reorganize confusing thoughts; adapt to changes and re-clarify work direction; and use communication skills they have learned to enhance their relationship with patients. In between patients, the art therapy helps them reset their minds before engaging with next patient. Through art therapy experience, this will give them inner strength to continue their work and their minds will be nourished as well. Art Therapy Activities and Art Studio have shown to be beneficial and would become a psychological care choice for hospice care professionals. It is crucial to take care of ourselves first before providing quality care for patients.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
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