Medical treatment is progressing day by day, and many medical measures can prolong the life of patients. However, when medical treatment has caused great suffering to the terminally ill patients, they have the rights to refuse futile life-sustaining treatment. Patient autonomy, rigorous evaluation, and high quality of care plans before, during, and after removal are needed when medical team offer a patient Withdrawing Life-Sustaining Treatment (WLST). This article described the nursing experience of a patient with end-stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma. After the diagnose of cancer, this patient received medical treatment at the other hospital. This time, the patient was sent to the emergency department of our hospital due to dyspnea. Because of unclear medical condition of the patient, endotracheal tube was inserted to help him breathe. The patient had expressed to the medical team the desire to remove the endotracheal tube, but his wife could not bear involvement of the aged father and the adult children and decided to face the evacuation process alone. Thus, this case was selected for in-depth discussion. The nursing period was from January 9 to January 14, 2020. During the process, data was collected by means of reading medical records, physical assessments, interviews, and companionship. A comprehensive assessment was conducted to identify the major health-related problems: head and neck pain, dyspnea, and that his wife was facing pressure and anticipatory grief caused by this medical decision. Through nursing care such as pain assessment, providing analgesics and sedatives, comfort care to relieve pain and dyspnea, guiding emotional expression of the patient's wife, serving as the bridge of communication among the patient, the wife, and the sons, and conducting case conference and family conference, the patient and his family members received good quality of care, the wife's decision-making pressure was relieved, and building consensus among family members. To keep peace among the patient, his family members and the medical team, we made the withdrawal decision in line with ethics and laws via weighing the benefits and harms given by ethical analysis, and provided anticipatory grief care. We hope that the sharing of care experience can be used as a reference for clinical care.
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