


A Study on Religious Belief and Near-Death Experience-Cases from Buddhist




釋永有(Yong-You Shi);釋覺了(Chueh-Liao Shi)


瀕死經驗 ; 佛教信徒 ; 唯識 ; Near-Death Experience ; Buddhists ; Buddhist Theory of Consciousness-Only ; perspective of life




11期(2011 / 01 / 01)


177 - 216




「瀕死經驗」,英文為Near-Death Experience,簡稱NDE,即指發生在實際或者是已經非常接近死亡當中,我們的意識脫離肉體的清晰經驗。國外的瀕死經驗研究已有多年,國內則尚在起步。 本研究依據美國凱尼斯•林格(Kenneth Ring)之理論,透過其提出的十項體驗要素來選取本土四位個案,並採取質性研究的深度訪談及詮釋學,來深度探討瀕死經驗與宗教信仰之關係。 研究結果發現: 1.佛教經典中的相關理論及義理中的中陰身、輪迴觀、十方世界的思想與可以和個案的經歷相互對照。而佛教萬法唯識的思想則從中一以貫之,可作為個案不同經歷內容的解釋。 2.佛教信仰深刻的影響到個案瀕死經驗之內涵、歷程及後續影響。 3.個案經歷瀕死經驗後也傾向宗教修持,皈依了佛教。


Near-Death Experience is abbreviated as NDE. The research on NDE in other countries is more than twenty years, but it is only at the beginning stage in Taiwan. The dissertation will focus on the outcomes of the research in the west, and raise my hypothesis and interpretation from eastern points of view. Based on pragmatic research, I would like to discuss how Buddhist theory interprets NDE and its meaning. Based on the theory of Kenneth Ring of U.S.A., and ten kinds of experiences such as finding oneself dead, being peaceful and happy, feeling of out of the body, feeling of entering a dark place, hearing someone's voice, reflecting on one's life, seeing the light, being surrounded by the light, seeing beautiful colors, entering the light, encountering souls. I have categorized the contents of my interviews and discussed about them item by item. Based on scientific theory in the west and Buddhist Theory of Consciousness-Only, it can be proved that NDE comes from reflection of the light formed by the function of consciousness. Those who have near-death experiences start to search for the meaning of life and develop new perspective of death. They take refuge in religion in order to find the answer and to regain mental balance. Buddhist belief has certain impact on NDE, and NDE brings cases looking for religious believe. On the one hand, it arises from consciousness, and the consciousness is influenced by the environment and culture. On the other hand, Buddhist faith has intermingled with Chinese culture and been deeply rooted in people's minds, just as Christian belief is also connected with NDE.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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