


A Study on the Change of Crematory Institutions in Mainland China: And the Comparison on the Crematory Strategies in Mainland China and Taiwan




楊國柱(Kuo-Chu Yang);葉修文(Hsiu-Wen Yeh)


火化制度 ; 交易成本 ; 制度變遷 ; 殯葬改革 ; Crematory Institution ; Transaction Costs ; Institutional Changes ; Crematory Reform




11期(2011 / 01 / 01)


41 - 90






The governments of Mainland China and Taiwan proceeded to reform the crematory custom, which were quite effective in the past. Had they already given consideration to the change with the system of cultural value on institutional design, to enable crematory policy to be really implemented?This issue arises to understand the change course of crematory institution on both sides in great detail, and master the key issues of potential changes. Herewith it can be found out the development paths of crematory institution changes of two sides in the future, and the possible ways of funeral industry's mutual competition and cooperation. This paper, in accordance with the theoretical foundations of institution changes and the analytic approaches including literature review, comparative research and field interview, carried on the comparative analysis of crematory reform between Mainland China and Taiwan. The result of this study is as follows: 1. In terms of Changes course, Taiwan rewarded for cremating into the tower at the beginning, increased and allowed to cremate burial in the grounds later. On the other hand, the order has reversed by carrying on cremating burial in the grounds by force in Mainland China, followed by deposit the ashes by recommendation. 2. As to the reasons of change, the change of relative price affected the funeral custom reform in both sides. Moreover, affecting the change of people's preference, the exemplary role of the mainland leaders taking the lead in response to the reform has greater influence than Taiwanese leaders did. 3. As to the method of change, Taiwan government adopted inducing method during the reform, whereas China took the mandatory way.4. Effectiveness of the reform, the growth rate of cremation of Taiwan is much faster in Taiwan, yet, building the tower has side effect to the environment. In Taiwan the ashes containing facilities are available to all and the specialty of planning to build facilities is far superior to that of in Mainland China, but the research and development of the cremation equipment and technology in Taiwan has lagged than that of in Mainland China.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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