


A Study on the Employment Module Courses of Funeral Director




楊國柱(Kuo-Chu Yang);李慧仁(Hui-Jen Lee)


工作情境 ; 執業能力 ; 就業模組 ; 殯葬禮儀師 ; Employment module ; funeral director ; working situation ; working performance




13期(2012 / 01 / 01)


43 - 81






In order to apply the people who are willing to engaging in funeral services to realize the situation and characteristics of the work, and providing occupation training centre or funeral industries to design the status within employment module courses, arranging the order of teaching, and the reference for content proportion, this study is aimed at funeral directors' working performances on working situations that were expected.The steps for this research are divided into two parts: firstly, participated observation, interview, and literature review are adopted to process the first Delphi technique questionnaire editing; secondly, Delphi technique experts questionnaire investigation is adopted. Delphi technique experts are composed of 11 senior funeral directors who take questionnaires in two steps. This study generalize that funeral services working situations are 5 categories total to 63 items. The importance and common both belonging to high level are 25 items. The importance belonging to high level and common belonging to medium level are 17 items. The importance belonging to high level and common belonging to low level are 4categories total to 5 items.The expected working performances are 95 items. The importance and common both belonging to high level are 57 items. The importance belonging to high level and common belonging to medium level are 32 items. The importance belonging to high level and common belonging to low level is 1 item. Moreover, this study suggests providing employment module course such as the introduction to life and death and other 19 items, and non-core courses are funeral instruments and other 19 items. Above all may provide the reference to employment courses for funeral director.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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