


Coping Diversity and Effectiveness: Coping with the Chronic Illness of the Outpatients




林耀盛(Yaw-Sheng Lin)


慢性病 ; 因應 ; 多樣性 ; 有效性 ; 適應 ; Chronic iIlness ; Coping ; Diversity ; Effectiveness ; Adaptation




13期(2012 / 01 / 01)


83 - 119






Purpose: This paper with diabetes and hypertension patients as the participants, on the one hand is to explore the structure of coping, and understand the coping diversity. On the other hand, it is to link the relationship between the coping effectiveness and life adaptation of the outpatients.Method: Two scales are developed, included 'coping method scale' and 'illness adjustment scale'. The constructs of predictability and controllability of the chronic illness course combined with other psychological variables are also measured.Results and discussion: There are 119 outpatients to participate totally, men are 64 and women are 55. The average age is 53.96 ± 10.35 years. Duration of the illness is last for 43.59 months in average. Two main findings are shown. The first is the patients who less adopted 'the passive coping method', and got the more 'positive coping way' about the illness are adapted better in the daily life. The functions of diversity and effectiveness of coping are complementary. The second is there is gap between the remedy expectation and behavior execution of the patients, sometimes, they know more, but do less. They also felt pessimistic about the future, and may shift the attention from the illness to give caring about the next generations.Conclusion: The result is implied that the chronic illness patients should transform their 'passive' coping ways into the more active coping strategies to improve the coping utility. Otherwise, they will face the second destiny of fatal life impacts. Finally, the suggestions are proposed from two perspectives of the conceptual level and clinical practice.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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