


The Related Theories and Cases of Near-Death Experience of Buddhist Texts


釋永有(Yong-You Shi)


瀕死經驗 ; 佛教 ; 宗教信仰 ; 金剛經 ; 死亡 ; Near-Death Experience (NDE) ; Buddhist ; Religious Belief ; The Diamond Sutra ; Death




15期(2014 / 01 / 01)


51 - 84




「瀕死經驗」,英文為Near-Death Experience,簡稱NDE,即指發生在實際或者是已經非常接近死亡當中,我們的意識脫離肉體的清晰經驗。瀕死經驗與生死學、心理學、精神醫學、腦生理學、神經生理學、宗教學、人類文化學、哲學等都有相關,為死亡系統之非常重要不可或缺之一部分。國外的瀕死經驗研究已有多年,且遍及許多國家,國內則有待努力,故本研究有其重要的本土意涵。本研究之目的如下:1.探討佛教典籍中瀕死經驗之相關理論和案例。2.探討宗教信仰與瀕死經驗之關係。本研究為文獻分析之研究法,主要發現:1.至少四部重要經典其有相關理論,而中陰身和唯識思想可詮釋瀕死經驗的意識狀態。2.佛教信仰深刻地影響到個案瀕死經驗之內容與歷程,個案由於堅定的宗教信仰力量,讓自己有機會死後又復活。3.中國佛教徒的瀕死經驗帶著中華文化特色。個案的經歷除了呈現出受到宗教信仰的影響,也受到文他背景死亡觀之影響。而當時人民的死亡觀,也反映在個案瀕死經驗之內容。


Near-Death Experience is abbreviated as NDE. The research on NDE in other countries is more than twenty years, but it is only at the beginning stage in Taiwan. The purposes of the paper will discuss the related theories and cases of NDE of Buddhist texts, and the connection between religious believe and Near-Death Experience. Based on the Buddhist Theory of Consciousness-Only, it can be proved that NDE comes from reflection of the light formed by the function of consciousness. Buddhist belief has certain impact on NDE. On the one hand, it arises from consciousness, and the consciousness is influenced by the environment and culture. Buddhist faith has intermingled with Chinese culture and been deeply rooted in people's minds, and it also influences the process and content of NDE.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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