Tuina or massage is a traditional therapy of the Chinese medicine, and also a familiar medical behavior in Chinese people's region, belonging to a curative manipulation of alternative therapy. The general work staffs usually call the skill as the massage, the tuina, or the rehabilitation, and the osteopathy etc. We try to search the formal vocabulary from the academic periodicals or the network website and to statistic those popular trends of used academic diction, which mentioned above such as tuina, to research its phenomenon.
The investigation has been found that the apparent percentage of tuina and massage were 0.428% and 2.459% in the CDRCD since 1998, and besides shown 0.886% and 1.274% in the CHINABASE-MED. Those percentages of Massage, Tuina and the Acupuncture are separately 0.0497%, 0.0003% and 0.0781% in the database of Entrez PubMed. Obviously, it points out that the ”massage” is more common and popular in Taiwan. And compared to in Mainland China, the ”tuina” is the more familiar academic diction to local people. However, in the non-chinese people's regions of the entire world, the usage of massage is more popular and familiar than other calls.
From this study showing, we can tell that if we want to replace the name of ”Tuina” as the common academic diction, there are still a lot of works to make further.
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