
On Authorship of the Platform Sutra






胡聰賢(Chaucer T.H. Hu)


慧能 ; 六祖壇經 ; 敦煌本 ; 胡適 ; 神會 ; Hui-neng ; The Platform Sutra ; Hu Shih ; Shen-hui




29期(2009 / 06 / 01)


355 - 363




六祖壇經爲佛教重要經典之一,流傳甚廣。坊間版本雖多,但差異不大。1925年一位日本學者於敦煌史料中發現一奇特版本,與傳統版本相當不同。此一版本與傳統版本後來一併納入《大正新修藏經》之中。胡適之博士研究這兩個版本後發表了三篇論文。氏以爲敦煌本久埋於沙土之中,唐宋以來未經傳刻,較近原貌;而傳統本則歷經刪刻竄改,已然失真。敦煌本壇經中多處記載六祖慧能與其徒神會之間的互動,而其文字與現存之《神會語錄》雷同,以是,胡適之先生推論六祖壇經之實際作者爲荷澤神會。 由於壇經的作者是誰可能涉及禪宗傳承的法統,所以格外重要。胡適之的結論引起國外學術界之注意,知名學者如鈴木大拙、高楠順次郎、入矢義高等均撰文討論。日人柳田聖山更將這批論著彙集成書,命名爲《胡適禪學案》在台灣與日本出版。 民國五十八年,台灣學界亦吹起壇經的熱潮,許多學者亦紛紛加入論戰。本文即是申論此事。


The Platform Sutra has long been regarded as a major canonical piece of work of Buddhism in China, and its wide circulation has testified that it is worth a pivotal piece of Buddhist work. There have long been variants on versions in circulation among Buddhist followers and the intelligentsia. In 1925, however, a Japanese scholar found a unique version of the Platform Sutra in Sir Aurel Stein's Tun-huang Discoveries. This Tun-huang version (T-version), considerably different from the popular versions in text, along with a more conventional Hui-hsin version (H-version) was incorporated into the Taisho Edition of the Buddhist Tripitaka as a standard Buddhist canon. The prominent Chinese scholar Dr. Hu Shih conducted a series of research on the issue and published three articles on it. Dr. Hu propounded the authenticity of the H-version because T-version text was less tampered and better than that of the H-version. Moreover, the H-version did not include the passages which recorded the interactions between the 6th Patriarch Hui-neng and his disciple Shen-hui. The similarity in styles and wording of the T-version of the Platform Sutra and Shen-hui-yu-lu (神會語錄Thus Spake Shen-hui) induced Dr. Hu to assume that the original author of the Sutra was none other than Shen-hui. As the authorship of the Platform Sutra undoubtedly had a significant well-established belief of the rightfulness of the patriarch lineage of the Zen school of Buddhism in China, Dr. Hu's findings caused not a small shock on the international literati. Many distinguished Japanese Buddhist scholars, such as D.T. Suzuki, Takakusu Junjiro, and Iliya Yoshitaka held sincere discussions with Dr. Hu about whether the author of the Sutra was Shen-hui. A Japanese scholar Yanagida Seizn collected all the argumentative articles of the discussions in a book entitled 胡適禪學案(Hu Shih's Thesis Papers and Letters on Zen) and published it in Taiwan and Japan, respectively. In 1969, the issues of the Platform Sutra also caused many a frenzied discussion among Taiwanese scholars. The present article is an observation of this event.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 中國文學
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 醫藥衛生綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
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