As the technology developing rapidly, static lifestyle becomes into the mainstream. The energy intake and the body fat are increased with westernized dietary habits. As a result, the chronic disease incidence is gradually increasing. The rate of university students who have regular exercise is about 20.9%. The university students are at its peak in physical fitness, they do not feel that good health is gradually damaged. Many scholars suggested the theory should be accurate for understanding the exercise behavior and being able to make appropriate intervention programs. This study is based on the theory of planned behavior to explore the attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control of exercise behavior intention. The results showed that after controlling for gender, exercise experience, the theory can explain 27% of the variance in exercise behavior intention, which attitude and subjective norms have more influence than perceived behavioral control. Obviously, attitudes and subjective norms should be considered in the intervention program to promote the exercise behavior of university students.
美國疾病防制局:身體活動與健康。http://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/everyone/health/index.html。引用 2010/5/12
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