Breast cancer is already a worldwide disease for women. The only response is fear for the cancer diagnosis. The purpose of this article is exploring the process of how to find the meaning and value of life for breast cancer survivors. In this study, 6 women with breast cancer were interviewed for 1-2 hours. The content includes: contact with patient groups, illness process, impressive subjects or objects, the transition of physical and psychological aspects from health to sick, the attitudes to health, relationship with loved family, group interaction, etc. Through these life experiences, the women’s life history and attitudes were explored. The recordings were verbatim transcribed, and then analyzed using editing analysis style. The results were presented as a healthy change overnight, seeking medical care and rehabilitation, to reflect on life, and then faithfully accepted and actively maintain health. The process not only brings inspiration to healthy people, but also awakening the patients. Breast cancer women began to pay attention to their own needs, escape the restriction from family, directly to see, to experience, to feel life, and truthfully access to the meaning of life. So comfortable facing her own life is the gift of life brought by breast cancer.
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