


Exploring the Business Strategy of Cultural Creative enterprise: the Case Study of LIMA Live Workshop


柯亞先(Ya-Hsien Ko)


文化創意產業 ; 力馬生活工坊 ; 經營策略 ; 行銷策略 ; cultural and creative industry (CCI) ; LIMA Live Workshop ; business strategy ; marketing strategy




35期(2015 / 12 / 01)


103 - 116




今日文創產業看似如日中天,但其實想要在文創產業中存活,必須經歷非常辛苦的奮鬥歷程。歷經12 年努力以赴,「力馬(LIMA)生活工坊」成為台灣文創產業中少數極為成功的個案,因此本研究針對「力馬」之經營策略做深入探討,審視其策略規劃中的願景、使命、目標、價值觀,探索其內在與外在環境之SWOT 分析及主策略後,針對STP 與行銷組合4P 策略做詳細診斷,發現其商業模式包括:品牌行銷(LIMA 涵意的詮釋)、故事行銷(南賢天夫婦與生活工坊具有生命力的故事)、體驗行銷(提供量身訂做的客製化行程,讓顧客來工坊實地體驗)、口碑行銷(腳踏實地、熱誠親切且經常扶助弱勢族群,在網路世界贏得好口碑)等,可說集多種行銷手法做巧妙結合,堪稱業界典範。最後在邁向「成為全台灣知名文創企業」之中長程目標過程中,包括人才培育與網路行銷在內,仍有值得改進與努力之處;此一研究結果可供文創企業經營者參考。


It seems that the cultural and creative industry (CCI) is presently being like the sun at high noon; yet, the cruel fact is that no ambition in this sector can be easily achieved without the devotion of great efforts and a series of hard struggles. LIMA Live Workshop, after twelve years’ all-out engagement and devotion, has finally achieved their ambition and looms as one of the few-and-far-between successful cases in the sector of the cultural and creative industry. Therefore, we, in this research, focus on LIMA’s business strategies, looking into the vision, mission, objectives and values of LIMA. After probing the SWOT analysis of its internal and external environment and its main strategy, we focus on STP analysis and the 4Ps of marketing, making detailed and sophisticated diagnosis to find out such business models as : brand marketing-to interpret the denotation of LIMA, story marketing-the strenuous story of the Nan, Hsien-Tien couple and the Live Workshop, experiential marketing-to provide a custom-made journey for customers to come to the Workshop to experience the operation for themselves, word-of-mouth marketing-being honest and sincere and enthusiastically kind-hearted to render help to weaklings, and the good reputation is widely circulated in the net, and the like. To combine so many marketing strategies deftly may well be a praise-worthy model in this sector. Last but not least, there remains a little to be desired during the process of achieving its long-term goal to be a cultural and creative enterprise well-known in Taiwan, including the education of personnel and internet marketing. The outcome of this research may well serve as the reference material for the managers of cultural and creative enterprises.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 中國文學
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 醫藥衛生綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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