


A Pilot Study of Doctor-Patient Relationship for Breast Cancer Women in Seeking Non-western Medicine


郭淑珍(Shu-Chen Kuo);楊雪華(Hsieh-Hua Yang)


非西醫 ; 補充與另類療法 ; 乳癌 ; 質性研究 ; complementaryandalternativetherapies (CAM) ; breast cancer ; qualitative research




35期(2015 / 12 / 01)


239 - 249




台灣過去有關癌症病患使用非西醫的研究,主要為描述使用率或是使用那些樣式的療法,卻較少探索以及瞭解病患治療過程與醫師的互動關係;因此本研究透過深入訪談,訪問15 位乳癌病患使用非西醫療法歷程的醫病關係。研究初步發現15 位受訪者皆於確診初期以西醫療法為主,接受西醫療法後再輔以非西醫療法。罹癌病人求醫時與醫師建立的關係,形成強連結的可能性頗高,先與西醫建立強連結,接著尋求非西醫療法,如:補充與另類療法時,繼而與中醫師建立強連結,依據社會網絡關係理論,西醫與中醫之間也應形成關係。然而,由於中、西醫之間的鴻溝,該關係始終不存在。建議臨床癌症醫療團隊人員應以更開放的態度以及同理心,主動瞭解癌症病人對於非西醫療法使用的期待,主動與病患討論並提供相關知識,以增進更佳癌症照護品質。


In Taiwan, past researches about complementaryand alternativetherapies (CAM) users mainly focus on the rate or types. The interaction between doctor and patient had not yet explored. The purpose of this study is exploring the interaction between doctor and patient in medical encounter either for western medicine or using CAM. Fifteen breast cancer women were interviewed. After diagnosis, all of the respondents accepted western medicine in the beginning, then supplemented bynon-Western medicine. In the early stage, these cancer patients can establish strong relationship with physician. As they began to use CAM, they would establish strong link with Chinese doctor or healer. Based on the social network theory, there should be links between physician and Chinese doctor. However, due to the gap between western medicine and CAM, the links never existed. The reality is not helpful for cancer patient. It is suggested that the professionals should be more open-minded and empathetic for the benefit of patients. They would understand and accept patients’ seeking behavior, discuss with patients, and provide knowledge for better quality of care.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
人文學 > 中國文學
基礎與應用科學 > 基礎與應用科學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 醫藥衛生綜合
工程學 > 工程學綜合
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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