


The Influence of Franchiser's Characteristics, Communication, Opportunistic Behavior, and Asset Specificity on Franchise Relationships




丁學勤(Shueh-Chin Ting);陳正男(Cheng-Nan Chen);吳萬益(Wann-Yih Wu)


值得信任的總部特質 ; 溝通 ; 信任 ; 投機行為 ; 資產專屬性 ; 承諾 ; trustworthiness ; communication ; trust ; opportunistic behavior ; asset specificity ; commitment




1卷2期(2004 / 12 / 01)


1 - 29




目前的企業經營型態已由競爭走向合作,基於資源分享、減少競爭等理由,企業間已發展出多種合作模式,連鎖加盟便是其中一種非常盛行的合作模式。加油業連鎖加盟體系中最大的是中國石油,中國石油公司除了直營加油站以外,仍擁有眾多的民營加油站,對國人的生活影響非常大。中國石油公司面臨經濟自由化,國營事業民營化,國內油品市場的開放,台塑六輕的競爭,使中油公司面臨嚴重衝擊。再者,本研究為了補足一些Morgan and Hunt (1994)的信任-承諾理論不足的部分,因此本研究以中國石油連鎖加盟站為樣本進行實證研究。本研究所探討之主題包含兩大部份:第一是以信任為核心,探討值得信任的總部特質(才能、仁慈、正直)與溝通是否對信任有顯著影響;第二是以承諾為核心,探討信任、投機行為與資產專屬性是否對承諾有顯著影響。實證結果顯示,加盟總部具有才能、仁慈、正直等特質的程度愈高以及和加盟者間的溝通愈佳,將導致加盟者對加盟總部愈高程度的信任;其次,對加盟者而言,提升其對加盟總部的信任程度、減少其投機行為與增加其資產專屬性,將有助於加盟者對加盟總部承諾程度的提升。


The types of business management have shifted away from competition towards cooperation. Based on the reasons of sharing resources and reducing competition, companies have developed many cooperative ways and the franchise chain is one of very popular ways. The biggest franchise chain system in the refueling industry is China Petroleum Company. These private gas stations are very important for us because they seriously influence our livelihood. Moreover, the trust-commitment theory Morgan and Hunt (1994) proposed existed some deficiencies. Therefore, this study chose China Petroleum Franchise Chain as samples to make an empirical investigation regarding the relationship between franchisees and their franchiser. The topics being this study explored include two parts. One topic using trust as a core explores the impact of trustworthiness (including ability, benevolence, and integrity) and communication on trust. The other topic using commitment as a core explores the impact of trust, opportunistic behavior, and asset specificity on commitment. The empirical results indicate that the franchiser with the characteristics of ability, benevolence, integrity, and better communication will result in better trust of franchisees on their franchiser. Moreover, the findings indicate that enhancing franchisees' trust on their franchiser, reducing franchisees' opportunistic behavior and enhancing franchisees' asset specificity will be benefit to the enhancement of the commitment of franchisees on their franchiser.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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