


The Determinants of New Financial Service Performance: A Causal Model and Empirical Research




陳嵩(Song Chen)


組織環境 ; 行銷活動 ; 新服務品質 ; 行銷溝通效果 ; 新服務績效 ; organizational environment ; marketing activities ; new service quality ; effectiveness of marketing communication ; new service performance




1卷2期(2004 / 12 / 01)


53 - 81






The study induces the determinants related to new service performance, and infers the causal linkages among these determinants and the effect of these determinants on new service performance. Ninety-three NSD projects from banking and insurance industries in Taiwan were sampled as empirical subjects. The empirical results from path analysis of structural equation modeling show that (1) NSD organizational environment (including compatibility & importance, and resource synergy) have significantly positive impact on executive quality of NSD marketing activities (i.e., market research, personal training, test marketing, preparation and launch), (2) executive quality of NSD marketing activities have significantly positive impact on new service quality and effectiveness of marketing communication, and (3) consequently on new service performance. Finally, managerial implications for NSD and recommendations for future research are presented.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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