This paper follows the study of Torkzadeh and Dhillon(2002), who summered 125 objectives influencing customers to select Internet shopping or not. Through 2 phases questionnaire, we apply exploratory fact analysis to measure factors that influence the success of Internet shopping in Taiwan. At phase 1, using 211 samples to excise fact analysis, and exact 7-factor 28-hem for means objectives and 4-factor 19-item for fundamental objectives. At phase 2, using 47 items from phase 1 to questionnaire again and yield 297 samples. Using those samples to excise fact analysis again and exact 7-factor 23-hem for means objectives, called Internet product choice, transaction error, online payment, unreasonable purchase, fast Internet shopping, real product presentation and Internet vendor trust, and 5-factor 15-item for fundamental objectives, called Internet convenience of delivery, Internet convenience of information, Internet ecology, Internet product value and Internet customer relation. The factors of means objectives at phase 2 are quiet different from the study of Torkzadeh and Dhillon(2002), but the factors of fundamental objectives are the same. As a result, we suggest 5-factor 15-hem fundamental objectives as a measure model to value success of Internet shopping in Taiwan.
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