Advances in wireless technology increase the number of mobile device users and give pace to the rapid development of mobile service (m-service) conducted with these devices. More importantly, m-service systems provide a new channel for communicating with customers. Thus, m-service marketers can take advantage of mobile devices, such as cellular phones and PDA, to increase their speed and frequency of communications with individual customers. In order to achieve m-commerce success, it has been reinforced that mobile service providers not only need to attract new customers, but also must retain them to ensure profitable repeat business. Since the traditional IS success model can not be completely applied to the context of m-service, the purpose of this study is to develop an m-service systems success model from customer perspectives. This study first reviews the development and evolution of IS success models. Then, we integrate the DeLone and McLean's (1992, 2003) model and Seddon's (1997) model to solve the dispute between them. Secondly, this study reviews the theories and models of customer behavioral intention in the field of marketing. Based on the literature on marketing and IS success models, we propose an m-service systems success model, which includes cognitive, attitudinal, and behavioral success surrogates.
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