Taiwan's online insurance is in its early days, about 2 years long. Nevertheless, Internet will be an important channel in the future. This research attempts to find out what factors affect consumer intention in purchasing insurance online, and examines the relationship between those factors. According to the literature, a research framework is established, and is composed of four constructs including consumer's personal characters, commercial website recognition, brand loyalty, and intention to purchase insurance online. Then, we use questionnaire to collect the data gathered from the people who are older than 20-year-old and have experience in using Internet. The analysis methods include Reliability Test, Factor Analysis, Pearson Correlation Analysis, Canonical Correlation Analysis, and Stepwise Regression Analysis. This research results propose there are significant relationships between these constructs. Finally, this paper suggests insurance industry should improve consumer's acceptance of online insurance, commercial website recognition, and brand loyalty to increase consumer's intention to purchase insurance on-line.
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