


A Research on the Willingness of Replacing Cellular Phone Influenced by Advertising Words




張銀益(Yin-Yih Chang);連慧雯(Hui-Wen Lien)


手機 ; 廣告用詞 ; 生活型態 ; 科技態度 ; Cellular Phone ; Advertising Word ; Lifestyle ; Technology Attitude




4卷1期(2007 / 03 / 01)


73 - 101




行動電話是使用人數成長最快的一項科技產品,在台灣市場上手機廣告也隨處可見。本研究主要是探討手機廣告用詞對消費者換機意願的影響,並進一步探討不同消費者族群對手機廣告用詞而產生換機意願的影響。本研究的手機廣告用詞分爲「功能面」、「流行面」、「健康面」三種訴求。 本研究採取問卷調查方式,有效樣本爲673份問卷。研究結果顯示功能面及流行面的廣告用詞,的確會對不同生活型態及科技態度的消費者產生不同的感受。生活型態傾向「流行嘗新」,且科技態度傾向「科技領先」及「科技玩樂」的消費者,對藍芽無線、手寫語音、影音視訊功能、手機外觀時髦個性等的廣告用詞感受較強。科技態度傾向「科技應用」及「科技領先」的消費者,對手機應用功能及時尚品味手機廣告用詞感受較強,但不喜歡手機太過炫耀。生活型態傾向「效率自主」及「理性規律」,且其科技態度傾向「科技擔憂」而較不具「科技玩樂」特質的消費者,對手寫語音、生活應用功能、溝通分享及健康方面的廣告用詞感受較強。


Cellular phones are one of the high-tech products that have the highest growth rate in Taiwan. We can see cellular-phone advertisements every day. The main purpose of our research is to see how consumers's willingness replace their cellular phones are influenced by the advertising words. Furthermore, we will see the impact of cellular-phone advertising words on different consumer groups in their willingness to replace their cellular phones. There are three categories of variables in this research, which are functional advertising words, fashionable advertising words, and healthful advertising words. This research adopts questionnaire method, 673 copies of effective samples were returned. Our research reveals that advertising words for functional feature and fashion indeed affect people of different lifestyles and attitudes toward technology in varying degrees. People who have a tendency toward ”fashionable” lifestyle, and whose attitudes toward technology are ”technology enjoyed” and ”technology transcendent” prefer advertising words such as ”bluetooth”, ”handwritten”, ”multimedia”, and ”fashion and smart” cellular phones. People who tend to be ”technology application user” and ”technology lover” prefer advertising words such as ”application”, and ”vogue and taste”, but dislike fancy cellular phones. People who tend to have lifestyles of ”efficient independence” and ”rational discipline”, and whose attitudes toward technology are more ”technology concerned” rather than ”technology enjoyed” prefer advertising words such as ”handwritten”, ”application”, ”communication”, and ”health”.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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