The purpose of this study is to explore consumer's nostalgia emotions in tourism context, and to develop and validate the nostalgia emotions scale. Nostalgia emotions are defined as a mental state of readiness that arises from memorized persons, events, or objects by tourism environment. There are five stages in this nostalgia emotions scale development procedure: (1) in-depth interview with customers, (2)analysis of interview and item generation, (3)pre-test and item refinement, (4)data collection, and (5)test of reliability and validity of scale. From the data collected from consumers in Old Streets, nostalgia emotions consist of five distinct dimensions, i.e. warmth, sophistication, memorability, leisure, and historicity emotions, which resulted in 25 items for the scale. The empirical results show the scale is highly internal consistent, and there is a good fit of measurement model with the data. Implications for academic and practical fields are provided for further applications.
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