


A Study of the Effect of Corporate Sponsorship on Consumers' Brand Attitude




李元恕(Yuan-Shuh Li);賴心怡(Hsin-Yi Lai)


贊助 ; 品牌形象移轉 ; 贊助者可信度 ; 贊助者情感 ; 品牌態度 ; Sponsorship ; Brand Image Transfer ; Sponsor Credibility ; Sponsor Affect ; Brand Attitude




4卷2期(2007 / 06 / 01)


187 - 219




本研究的目的在於探討企業贊助對消費者品牌態度之影響。以企業贊助運動賽事爲主要之探討範圍,研究結果發現, 消費者對活動的喜愛程度對於品牌形象轉移並無顯著影響,但對贊助者可信度及情感則有顯著的影響。活動的認知地位對於企業運動贊助效益皆無任何顯著的影響。消費者對贊助者的態度及贊助者與活動之間的一致性均會顯著地影響企業運動贊助的效益。最後,在贊助效益對於品牌態度影響的部分,對贊助者的可信度確實對於提升品牌態度有所幫助,但品牌形象轉移及對贊助者的情感對於品牌態度則皆無顯著影響。


The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of corporate sponsorship on consumers' brand attitude. The test results indicate that while the effect of personal liking of the event on brand image transfer is not significant, it still exerts significant influence on sponsor credibility and affect. Consumer perceived status of the event has no influence on sponsorship benefits. Consumer attitude toward the sponsor and congruence between sponsor and event generate a significant effect on sponsorship benefits. Finally, sponsor credibility can actually enhance consumers' brand attitude. However, both brand image transfer and sponsor affect have no significant influence on brand attitude.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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