


An Examination of the Antecedents of Experiential Value and the Impacts on Customer Satisfaction




沈慶龍(Ching-Lung Shen);張正昌(Cheng-Chang Chang)


參考群體 ; 服務接觸要素 ; 顧客涉入 ; 顧客關係傾向 ; 體驗價值 ; Reference Groups ; Service Encounters ; Customer Involvement ; Customer Relationship Proneness ; Experiential Value




5卷4期(2008 / 12 / 01)


575 - 602




消費者滿意乃是在特定使用環境下,對於使用產品所獲得的價值,使消費者能夠沉浸在消費過程中,產生愉悅,進而在消費者心中留下恆久存在的體驗記憶,是企業維持競爭優勢的關鍵要素。本研究整合效用導向及體驗導向的觀點進行探討體驗價值的前因因子及其對顧客滿意度影響。本研究整合商店形象、參考群體、知覺犧牲、服務接觸要素、顧客涉入及顧客關係傾向對體驗價值之關連性,並探討體驗價值與顧客滿意間之關係,以此作爲本研究之架構。 本研究選擇主題餐廳、主題百貨及主題樂園作爲本研究調查對象,共發出450份問卷,回收406份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率是90.02%。經過LISREL分析後,研究結果發現:(1)消費者對商店形象愈高、參考群體一致性愈高對消費者預期的體驗價值愈高。(2)消費者對服務接觸要素愈高、顧客涉入愈高、顧客關係傾向愈高,對消費者的實際體驗價值也愈高。(3)消費者的體驗價值愈高對顧客滿意度愈高。本研究除了提供學術的理論驗證外,並提出實務上的建議。


Consumer satisfaction is defined as the value perceived through the consumption of products or services in a specific context. The indulgence in the process of consumption will create a cheerful feeling, and thus a lasting positive experience in consumer's mind. Consumer satisfaction has received an increasing attention in academy and practitioners. This study will integrate the approaches of utility orientation and experience orientation to generate a framework which will examine the linkage within the antecedents of experiential value and it's impact on customer satisfaction. An effective sample date from 406 respondents were collected from the customers of theme restaurants 、theme speciality stores and theme amusement parks. After adopting LISREL as the analytic method, the major conclusions of this study include: 1. store image has a positive impact on experience value. 2. reference groups has a positive impact on experience value. 3. perceived sacrifice has a negative impact on experience value. 4. service encounters has a positive impact on experience value. 5. consumer involvement has a positive impact on experience value. 6. consumer relationship proneness has a positive impact on experience value. 7. experiential value has a positive impact on consumer satisfaction.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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