


Construction Outpatient Medical Service Quality Scale




黃琡珺(Shu-Chun Huang);王琪雅(Chi-Ya Wang)


醫療服務品質 ; 驗證性因素分析 ; 競爭模式策略 ; Medical Service Quality ; Confirmatory Factor Analysis ; Competing Model Strategy




6卷2期(2009 / 06 / 01)


221 - 248




本研究目的在建構門診醫療服務品質量表,希望提供醫療院所作爲提升醫療服務品質的依據。現今有關醫療服務品質指標的衡量,多採用Donabedian (1980, 1984)所提之「結構-過程-結果」理論爲依據。經參酌服務品質SERVQUAL量表與其他醫療服務品質相關文獻後,歸納整理成以「結構-過程-結果」等不同構面,和Brady and Cronin (2001)所提之多層級模式爲建構門診醫療服務品質指標之依據。本研究問卷量表共分爲三大部分:1.結構面品質量表、2.過程面品質量表、3.結果面品質量表。採驗證性因素分析法進行一系列競爭模式的假設檢定。 本研究共設計了五種競爭模式:1.虛無模式、2.單一因素模式、3.多因素直交模式、4.多因素斜交模式、5.二階單因素模式。以中部某醫學中心之門診病患及其陪伴者爲受試對象,共發出450份問卷,回收有效問卷380份,在進行驗證性因素分析後,結構面品質顯示「二階單因素模式」爲最佳模式、過程面品質顯示「一階六因素斜交模式」爲最佳模式、結果面品質顯示「二階單因素模式」爲最佳模式,此外內在結構適配的評鑑也顯示該模式具有良好信度、聚合效度及區別效度,表示本研究所建構之量表具有良好的信、效度。


The purpose of this research was to construct an outpatient medical service quality scale. After reviewing the references of medical services quality, most of the researches are based on both the theorem ”structure-process-outcome” from Donabedian in 1980. Then, we combined the theorem ”structure-process-outcome” and a hierarchical model by Brady and Cronin's (2001) to construct the outpatient of medical service quality scale. We designed five competing models and used structural equation model (SEM) to test the fitness model. The result of medical service structure and medical service outcome indicate that ”a hierarchical model” testable hypotheses are supported by statistical significant after confirmatory factor analysis. It demonstrates that ”a hierarchical model” was the beat fitting model. Medical service process indicate that ”a correlated factors model” testable hypotheses are supported by statistical significant and it was the beat fitting model. After assessing the fit in internal structure, it also shown that three of the models possessed good reliability, convergent validity, and discriminant validity.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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