


The Preliminary Model on Aesthetics of Marketing Management




廖世義(Shu-Yi Liaw);黃鈺婷(Yu-Ting Huang);譚子文(Tzyy-Wen Tan)


行銷管理 ; 美學 ; 美感 ; 企業美學 ; 美學經濟 ; Marketing Management ; Aesthetics ; Esthetic Sense ; Business Aesthetics Esthetic Economy




6卷3期(2009 / 09 / 01)


391 - 422






Consumption of aesthetics followed a knowledge-based economy will create higher value-added of a new marketing concept for enterprises. The esthetic sense becomes a life and a study part, also the competitiveness of market management esthetics of enterprise has new connotation. This study aimed to summarize the concept of aesthetics of marketing management, further explore the differences of the emphasis elements on aesthetics of marketing management of marketing staff in order to provide marketing staff promote marketing management strategies and activities. There are 5 industries to be studied through sampling and quantities analysis method, which are information, manufacturing, dining, wholesale retail and financial service etc. The result t of the real diagnosis analysis is that, there are five factors of marketing management esthetic sense to be extracted; the extension of esthetic sense” is the biggest influence factor, the second is ”touch of esthetic sense”, the third is ”experience of esthetic sense”, furthermore for ”impression of esthetic sense”, and the last is ”sensibility of esthetic sense”. The result of research is expected to contribute to establish the marketing management aesthetic system, and providing for the marketing staff to relocate value of marketing management esthetic sense, ducting the esthetic sense factor into the management active of enterprise to found more marketing opportune.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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