Brand equity as one of the important concepts of marketing has been widely investigated in recent years. In services, brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand association, perceived quality and brand trust toward the brand are effective on the brand equity.
In this study, whether the perceptions of the life insurance customers' purchasing behaviours, demographic features, brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand association, perceived quality, and brand trust toward the brand equity, display differences if consumers who perceive brand equity either low or high were aimed to determine. For this purpose, 512 participants that are customers, who live in Istanbul, of two companies were applied a questionnaire. The data available were subjected to discriminant analysis. According to the results, the consumers who perceived brand equity either low or high have manifested a statistically meaningful difference according to their perceptions of brand equity, its dimensions, brand trust and purchasng behaviour. Also it is decided that demographic features don't have discriminate feature.
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