Brand extension has been an important issue either in academia or in the business world. Brand equity and transfer ability are vital factors to the accomplishment of brand extension. However, most papers are simply concentrated on the unilateral consequence and ignore the influences from the competitive activities taken by rivalry corporations or brands. By referring to the Brand Counter-extension idea developed by Kumar, we study brand management with variables including brand equity, transferring ability, and perceptive fit. We expect our study be close to real business activities and be helpful to brand management strategy.
We take NOKIA and OKWAP as our main brand samples. By taking digital personal stereos, digital cameras, and laptops as extensible targets, we develop six different experimental scenarios. Next, we conduct one-way MANCOVA and three-way MANOVA on 335 valid questionnaires.
We find out that brands with higher brand equity have superior counter-extension than brands with lower brand equity. For those products having high perceptive fit, interviewees significantly have higher counter-extension evaluation. Further, we discover that consumers have great purchasing intent ion for counter-extension products when they highly agree with company's transfer ability. Thus, we suggest that enterprises implant several innovative messages in their advertisements. As the consumers have strong recognition of the brand's attributes, images, or extension ability, they acknowledge the brand extension products. Most importantly, enterprises can take effective extension strategies to fight against their competitors' extension activities.
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