


The Effect of Authoritative Mechanisms of Coordination on Manufacturer's Market Orientation and Performance




王御婷(Yu-Ting Wang);許英傑(Yin-Chiech Hsu);李冠穎(Kuan-Yin Lee)


協調機制 ; 市場導向 ; 經營績效 ; coordination mechanisms ; market orientation ; performance




7卷2期(2010 / 06 / 01)


209 - 231




本研究從大型零售商的觀點,闡釋官僚結構(正式化、參與)以及單向控制(行爲控制、產出控制)之協調機制,對上游製造商市場導向與績效之影響。並延續學者Miguel and Narciso (2003)針對協調機制對企業整體市場導向之研究,本研究深入探討協調機制對上游製造商情報蒐集、企業內部傳遞、與回應等個別市場導向之影響;並瞭解這些市場導向行爲,是否皆能有效改善製造商經營績效。本研究針對台灣地區和連鎖便利商店、百貨公司及大型量販店業者交易之上游製造商爲研究對象,以問卷調查法蒐集資料,共回收125份有效問卷,運用結構方程模式(structural equation modeling; SEM)進行實證分析。結果顯示:(1)正式化對製造商情報蒐集有顯著的正向影響;(2)參與對製造商所有市場導向行爲皆有顯著的正向影響;(3)行爲控制對製造商情報傳遞與回應存在顯著負向影響;(4)產出控制則對製造商所有市場導向行爲皆有顯著的正向影響;(5)製造商市場情報蒐集與回應等市場導向行爲對經營績效具有顯著的正向影響。


Accroding to large retailers' point of view, this research is to examine the bureaucratic structure and unilateral control of coordinative mechanisms, which influence upstream manufacturers' market orientation and performance. Based on the research of Miguel and Narciso^11 that focuses on the coordinative mechanisms to the market-orientation. This research thoroughly probe into the influence of respective coordinative mechanisms to upstream manufacturers' market-orientation which includes market intelligence generation, dissemination and response. Also, try to realize whether these behaviors of market orientation are able to improve manufacturers' performance. This research particularly chooses upstream manufacturers in Taiwan as targets who trade with chain convenience stores, department stores, and wholesale retailers. Using questionnaires to collect 125 valid data, and use Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to do empirical analysis. The result reveals that: (1) Formalization has significantly positive effects on manufacturers' intelligence generation. (2) It has obviously positive effects to participate manufacturers' overall behaviors of market orientation. (3) It has noticeable negative effects for the behavior control to manufacturers' intelligence dissemination and response. (4) It has remarkable positive effects for output control to manufacturers' overall behaviors of market orientation. (5) Manufacturers' behavior of intelligence generation and response of market orientation has eminent positive effects to their performance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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