


The Effect of Brand Name Combinations on Brand Alliance




陳亭羽(Ting-Yu Chen);吳靜昕(Ching-Hsin Wu);王曉斌(Hsiao-Pin Wang)


品牌聯盟 ; 聯想模型 ; 品牌識別 ; brand alliance ; association model ; brand identity




7卷3期(2010 / 09 / 01)


323 - 356




品牌聯盟的目的是將品牌的權益與價值做連結,當品牌進行合作時,品牌識別元素做連結或合作的方式並沒有一定的準則。本研究考慮品牌聯盟時,來源品牌名稱資訊呈現的完整度以及字型改變對於品牌聯盟效果的影響,並選取品牌名稱合作形式與品牌名稱字型爲研究的自變數,品牌名稱合作形式分爲兩類,爲兩個品牌名稱做並置但不改變各自原品牌名稱的「複合品牌名稱」與萃取兩品牌的關鍵字或重要字混合而成的「混合品牌名稱」;品牌名稱字型則分爲「保留各自原本品牌名稱字型」與「統一品牌名稱字型」,並加上品牌權益有差異組合與品牌權益無差異組合作爲干擾變數,研究採取實驗法,以2(上標 *)2(上標 *)2之實驗設計及ANOVA變異數分析進行假設之驗證。本研究考慮產品涉入與品牌名稱識別度等因素,選用汽車品牌做爲研究產業,總共收集120份有效樣本,研究結果顯示使用複合品牌名稱的品牌聯盟效果的影響優於使用混合品牌名稱,但品牌名稱字型的改變對於聯盟品牌效果的影響不顯著。並從交互關係發現品牌名稱的識別線索對品牌聯盟效果的影響彼此相關,若有一個組成要素的改變過大,影響了消費者對新聯盟品牌所知覺的分類,則其他線索提供對於消費者回憶與聯想來源品牌能力的輔助將減少。所以品牌名稱的視覺識別組成要素影響不是獨立的,某項識別組成要素的改變會影響其他識別組成要素影響能力。


The purpose of brand alliance is to combine the equities and values from brands. It doesn't have rules of how to connect them. This study discusses that what influences the brand name cooperation style and the brand name font have on brand alliance. The independence variables in this study are the brand name cooperation style and the brand name font. There are two levels of the brand name cooperation style, composite brand name and hybrid brand name. Composite brand name is to put brand name together without any alteration. Hybrid brand name is to extract the key words of brand names and combine into one brand name. In another hand, we divide brand name fonts into keeping original fonts and unifying fonts. Add to the variable of combinations which are the same level brand equity and different level brand equity as interaction variables, this research uses 2(subscript *)2(subscript *)2 three factor experiment design and is analyzed by two-way ANOVA. We choose car-brands as study industry. Participants are students with college degree or master degree who don't have experience of driving or have experience of driving less than 2 kinds of car-brands. The result shows that combinations of brand equity would be interacted variable to the effect of the brand name cooperation style and the brand name font on brand alliance. Also, using composited brand name is much better than using hybrid brand name. However, there are no different between keeping original fonts and unifying fonts. If consumers recognize the similarity of parent brands from the changed brand identity, it could help transfer brand equity from parent brands to alliance brands. Moreover, there is interact effect between the brand name cooperation style and the brand name font. One of the identities that changes too much will weaken the influence of another identity to brand alliance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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