


The Effect of Brand Community and Relationship Quality on Product Knowledge and Brand Loyalty




張愛華(Ai-Hwa Chang);曾忠蕙(Chung-Hui Tseng);廖棟樑(Dong-Liang Liao)


品牌社群 ; 道德責任 ; 顧客與公司關係品質 ; 產品知識 ; 品牌忠誠 ; brand community ; moral responsibility ; relationship quality ; product knowledge ; brand loyalty




7卷4期(2010 / 12 / 01)


497 - 523




品牌社群(brand community)的形成是企業與顧客共同創造價值及增進品牌忠誠的最佳方式之一。本研究引用McAlexander,Schouten,& Koening的品牌社群關係模式爲基礎,擴大探討的層面與深度,希望能對國內品牌社群的互動狀況做進一步的探討。本研究利用問卷調查方式衡量社群認同、社群信任、社群承諾、道德責任等品牌社群關係及顧客與公司關係品質,並探討前述構念間的交互關係及其對產品知識與品牌忠誠的影響。本研究以中華三菱SAVRIN汽車品牌社群爲研究對象,對二個品牌社群成員發放問卷,共計回收220份有效問卷。研究結論:(1)品牌社群關係:品牌社群關係建立有順序性,須先從社群認同開始,再擴展至社群信任與社群承諾,當社群信任與社群承諾到達一定水準後,社群成員才會發展出超越角色的行爲,產生高度的社群道德責任。(2)道德責任會影響產品知識、道德責任也會影響品牌忠誠。(3)顧客與公司關係品質及產品知識對於品牌忠誠有正面影響,且進一步正面影響品牌推薦。


This research investigated relationship among community identification, community trust, community commitment, moral responsibility, relationship quality, product knowledge and brand loyalty. A Survey was adopted to study two communities of Mitsubishi SAVRIN Motors. Results were: (1) Brand communities were set up sequentially. Community identity should be set up first, and then community trust and commitment would appear. While community trust and commitment well developed, moral responsibility would emerge. (2) Both the relationship of moral responsibility and product knowledge and that of moral responsibility and brand loyalty showed significant. (3) Relationship quality, product knowledge, brand loyalty and brand recommendation showed a significant relationship.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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