


The Brand Image and Brand Attitude of Adolescence-The Moderating Effect of Peer Conformity




林妙雀(Miao-Que Lin);李建裕(Bruce C. Y. Lee)


吞世代青少年 ; 品牌形象 ; 品牌態度 ; 購買意願 ; 同儕從眾行爲 ; adolescence ; brand image ; brand attitude ; purchase intention ; peer conformity




7卷4期(2010 / 12 / 01)


525 - 555




現今全球吞世代每年的消費總額成長驚人,其高消費能力在消費市場中佔有不容忽視的地位,是以深入瞭解其消費行爲實有其必要性。過去對於品牌之研究,多偏向品牌形象對品牌態度、品牌態度對購買意願之關係,然而吞世代青少年年紀尚輕,對於品牌的資訊瞭解不足,企業須借助名人代言,藉以吸引吞世代注意。由於吞世代的行爲及思想容易受同儕影響,因此本研究建立以品牌形象和名人與品牌契合度做爲自變數,品牌態度爲中介變數,購買意願爲因變數,同儕從眾行爲當干擾變數之研究架構,期能全面瞭解吞世代青少年的消費行爲。 本研究設計結構化問卷,以麥當勞爲研究品牌,針對台北縣市、宜花東、台中縣市等地區之國中及高中生進行問卷調查,運用多元迴歸分析驗證各研究假說。其結果顯示,當品牌形象愈佳時,消費者對品牌的態度愈正面,而且消費者品牌態度愈正向時,購買意願也會增加。其次,名人與品牌契合度愈高,品牌的態度也會愈正向。再者,同儕彼此成爲一個參考群體,擁有共同價值觀,會強化吞世代青少年之品牌形象對品牌態度之正向關係。


Owing to the high purchasing ability, the market of teenagers has become more and more important in recent years. Thus, understanding the behavior of adolescence has become an important issue. Most brand studies focused on the linkage between brand image, brand attitude and purchase intention. However, teenagers are young consumers, their understandings about the brand are quite limited. Hence, celebrity spokesman became an useful method to attract their attention. In addition, teenagers' behaviors are affected by peers because they would not like to be isolated in their group. The present study takes brand image and congruency of brand and celebrity as independent variables, brand attitude as mediator, purchase intention as dependent variable and peer conformity as moderator to construct a conceptual model. Some postulated hypotheses are proposed and tested by field data. The structural questionnaire was designed as a survey instrument; McDonald was selected as target brand. The junior and senior high school students in Northern, Middle, and Eastern Taiwan are invited to join the survey. The results reveal that brand image is positively related to brand attitude, and brand image is positively related to purchase intention. Congruency of celebrity and brand is positively related to brand attitude. Teenagers tend to share the same value and follow the behavior of others in order to receive recognition from their peers, thus peer conformity positively moderates the relationship between brand image and brand attitude. According to the study findings, some implications are proposed to brand managers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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