There were a considerable number of studies related to Internet Marketing in recent years; however, literatures associated with psychology factors in the field of Internet Marketing, compared were still very defective. Today's Internet Marketing has been not only referential means by its own content and intellectual level but also depends on kansei factors. Therefore, this study takes the perceptual technology theory construction as the foundation, combining Qualitative and Quantitative, to do the empirical study by means of the multivariable analysis to enterprises of supporting Internet Marketing, and establish a kansei evaluation model to understand the consumer expense intentions of the internet marketing activities. By ways of widespread vocabulary collection, KJ Law Conference, Factor Analysis, Grey Relational Analysis Method, this study have found a total of six success kansei factors which are ranked as: 1. warm sweat, 2. Health encourage, 3. pro and sincere, 4. Easily the young, 5. The glory of attachment, 6. Touched public.
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