


Extrinsic Cue Effects on Consumers' Quality and Risk Perceptions of Private Label Brands




吳長生(Paul C. S. Wu)


私有品牌 ; 成份品牌 ; 價格 ; 來源國 ; 知覺品質 ; 知覺風險 ; private label brands PLB ; ingredient brand ; price ; country-of-origin COO ; perceived quality ; perceived risk




8卷3期(2011 / 09 / 01)


385 - 404




本研究目的為探討成份品牌、價格及來源國等外部線索對私有品牌(private label brands, PLB)知覺品質、知覺風險及購買意願之影響。選擇量販業作為研究產業,經由商店田野調查、2場消費者焦點團體及120位消費者之前測,挑選出正式研究所需之二種產品類別(桌上型電腦主機、棉質內衣)及相關之成份品牌、價格與來源國。正式研究以大台北地區為範圍隨機抽取6家量販店,各以系統抽樣抽取60位共360位消費者作為研究對象。採實驗設計法,依2(成份品牌)(上標 *)2(價格)(上標 *)2(來源國)之組間設計,共8種問卷,每種45份,每份問卷填答二種產品。研究結果發現,就棉質內衣而言,消費者對於採用全國性領導品牌成份策略(聯合成份品牌)之私有品牌的知覺品質會高於未採取此種策略者;相較於來自較差形象來源國者,消費者對於來自較佳形象來源國之私有品牌產品,會有較高的知覺品質與較低的知覺風險;而私有品牌知覺品質對其購買意願有正向影響。就桌上型電腦主機而言,消費者對於來自較佳形象來源國私有品牌產品的知覺品質會高於來自較差形象來源國者;私有品牌知覺品質對其購買意願有正向影響。


The aim of this study is to examine the influences of multiple extrinsic cues (ingredient brand, price, country-of-origin (COO)) on perceived quality, perceived risk and purchase intent of PLB. Mass merchandisers were selected as the research industry. A field survey, two consumers' focus groups and a pre-test were conducted to select two product categories (personal computer and cotton underwear) and the relevant extrinsic cues for main study. A 2 (ingredient brand) (superscript *)2 (price) (superscript *)2 (COO) between-subject experimental design was conducted to collect information of 360 systematically sampled consumers from six randomly sampled mass merchandiser stores in Taipei area. There are eight kinds of questionnaire, 45 copies each, each copy including two categories of products.The results are as follows: For cotton underwear, consumers' perceived quality of PLB with an ingredient of national brand is superior to PLB without adopting the strategy of ingredient branding. Private label brands from better image of COO have better perceived quality and lower perceived risk than those from worse image of COO. Perceived quality of PLB has positive impact on its purchase intent. As for personal computer, PLB from better image of COO have better perceived quality than those from worse image of COO. Perceived quality of PLB has positive influence on its purchase intent.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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