


The Effect of Connectedness of Television Consumption on Country of Origin Image and Brand Attitude: An Empirical Study of Korean TV Series




蔡明達(Hector Ming-Ta Tsai);盧懿岑(Yi-Tsen Lu)


電視消費關聯性 ; 置入性行銷 ; 品牌態度 ; 來源國印象 ; television consumption connectedness ; product placement ; brand attitude ; country of origin




9卷4期(2012 / 12 / 01)


417 - 441






In recent years, the success of Korean drama seems to prosper the tourism of Korea, as well as the popularity of Korean brands in Taiwan. Using the concept of TV consumption connectedness as underpinning concept, the study examines the para-social relationship between TV program and audience, and identifies its impact on consumer's country of origin image and brand attitude. The theoretical framework integrates TV consumption connectedness, product placement and country of origin effect theories. We collected and analyzed empirical data and used structural equation modeling to test research hypotheses. Results confirmed the liking of TV series affects audience's connectedness positively, as moderated by consumer involvement. Also, the connectedness of the program enhances audience's perception of the original country image and brand attitudes. The study provides conclusions and recommendations based on the empirical results.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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