


The Effects of Customized and Interactive Mobile Advertising on Persuasion


林慧斐(Hui-Fei Lin)


互動性 ; 多媒體簡訊服務 ; 行動廣告 ; 客製化 ; 純文字簡訊服務 ; interaction ; MMS ; Mobile Advertising ; customization ; SMS




11卷1期(2014 / 03 / 01)


1 - 28




智慧型行動裝置不僅提高行動加值服務的需求,也開啟行動廣告之商機。隨著智慧型手機普及化,再加上它所具有的適地性、即時性、互動性與個人化等特質,行動廣告行情因而上漲,並對整體廣告產業產生正面效益。先前研究大多著墨於整體行動廣告態度,較少提及任何特定形式的廣告,或僅聚焦於SMS形式與MMS形式,忽視了行動廣告以其他特定形式呈現在行動行銷應用設計上所產生的價值。現今由於行動裝置不斷推陳出新,使得更創新、客製化、個人化、相關且互動的手機廣告能夠顯示在手機上。所以,透過手機廣告傳送具有客製化和互動性新型態的MMS 廣告之效果是值得探討的議題。因此,本研究透過2(手機廣告類型:SMS vs. MMS)x 2(互動性:有vs.無)x 2(客製化:有vs.無)組間實驗,檢視手機廣告類型、互動性以及客製化設計是否會影響消費者注意力、興趣、渴望和購買意願、品牌態度以及廣告態度。結果顯示:(1)受測者對所接收到的MMS比起SMS,更能展現出較多的注意力、興趣、渴望、喜愛態度,以及購買意願;(2)受測者對互動式簡訊比對沒有互動之簡訊能產生較多的興趣、渴望、較佳的廣告態度、以及較強烈購買意圖。研究也發現資訊性中介行動廣告類型與消費者對此行動廣告的態度。


The purpose of the current research is to explore effect of mobile advertisements on persuasion. A two (type of mobile ads: SMS vs. MMS) x two (interactive feature: with interactivity and without interactivity) x two (customized feature: with customization and without customization) between-subject design was created. The results indicated that 1) mobile phone users exhibited more attention, interest, desire and more favorable attitudes, as well as greater purchase intention when exposed to MMS than when exposed to SMS; 2) mobile phone users were more likely to have greater interest and desire, more favorable ad attitudes, and stronger purchase intention when the mobile ad is interactive than when it is not. The research also found that information mediates the relationship between the type of mobile advertisements and attitude toward the mobile ads.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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