


The Effects of Price Promotion Framing of Travel Products on Consumers' Perception: Promotion Depth and Need for Cognition as Moderators


蔡進發(Chin-Fa Tsai);蕭至惠(Chih-Hui Hsiao)


促銷價格建構 ; 促銷深度 ; 認知需求 ; 預期未來價格 ; 購買意願 ; framing of price promotion ; promotion depth ; need for cognition ; expected future price ; buying intention




12卷1期(2015 / 03 / 01)


1 - 26






The study chooses travel product as research target. We execute a 2 (dollar terms vs. percentage terms) × 2 (high-depth promotion vs. low-depth promotion) two-way between-subjects design to examine the effects of framing of price promotion, promotion depth of travel products and consumers' need for cognition on expected future price, perceived transaction value, perceived acquisition value and buying Intention. The results are as follows: (1) Different types of price promotion framing don’t lead to different expected future price. (2) The lower the promotion depth is, the higher the expected future price is. (3) The effect of price promotion framing on expected future price is moderated by promotion depth. When travel agencies adopt high-depth promotion, the price framing of percentage terms will lead to higher expected future price compared to the price framing of dollar terms. (4) The higher the expected future price is, the higher both perceived transaction value and perceived acquisition value are. (5) The higher the perceived transaction value is, the higher the perceived acquisition value is. (6) The higher the perceived acquisition value is, the higher the consumers' buying intention is.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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