
Brand Extension to Enlarge Product Performance in the Jewelry Industry




陳澤義(Tser-Yieth Chen);劉祥熹(Hsiang-Hsi Liu);顏君儫(Chung-Hao Yen)


品牌延伸 ; 創新信任 ; 品牌信任 ; 產品績效 ; 珠寶業 ; brand extension ; innovation trust ; brand trust ; product performance ; jewelry industry




12卷1期(2015 / 03 / 01)


27 - 47






The aim of this study was to demonstrate the causal relationships among brand extension, trust, and new product performance. We discovered that brand trust is positively influenced by marketing activities involved in brand extension. Trust is a critical element, and is difficult to foster and maintain, because customers consider a company's image when purchasing expensive merchandise. We determined that brand trust exhibits a positive causal relationship on market performance. We recommend that managers in the jewelry industry provide excellent marketing for their products to establish a solid customer base, enhancing company performance.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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