


The eWOM Engagement Behavior in Social Networking Sites: Posting, Acquiring, and Passing Information


蘇柏全(Bo-Chiuan Su);池文海(Wen-Hai Chih);符定國(Ding-Guo Fu)


電子商務 ; 社群網站 ; 口碑傳播 ; 社會認知理論 ; 結構方程式 ; electronic commerce ; social service websites ; eWOM ; social cognitive theory ; structure equation modeling




12卷1期(2015 / 03 / 01)


49 - 97




在網路時代,口碑已可不靠真正的口耳相傳(word of mouth),而靠鍵盤與滑鼠(word of mouse)。時至今日,社群網站已成為新形態的入口網站,其蓬勃發展帶動了口碑參與行為,企業要思考的是如何增加社群網站上口碑參與行為效用、透過社群網站跟消費者與潛在消費者互動、並由社群網站成員間人際網絡的資訊分享達到有效行銷,使企業品牌價值獲得提昇,並反映在最終企業經營績效。本研究以社會認知理論為基礎,社會資本理論為環境因素,個人認知中知識分享為個人因素來探討消費者於社群網站口碑參與行為。本研究260份前測問卷經三階段發放、九回合確認語意後,共收集了610份有效問卷。結構方程式實證結果顯示二十六個研究假說皆獲得支持。在環境因素中,關係面中社會資本顯著正向影響社群網站口碑參與行為;個人因素中,知識分享個人認知顯著正向影響社群網站口碑參與行為。研究結果亦顯著指出(1)社群網站成員間的社會互動連結會正向影響共同理念形塑程度、(2)成員間的社會互動連結會正向影響成員間的互惠規範和信任程度與對社群的認同程度、(3)成員間的共通語言多寡會正向影響成員對社群認同程度與成員間的信任程度、(4)成員間的互惠規範程度,會正向影響成員的口碑參與行為、(5)成員間的信任程度,會正向影響成員的口碑參與行為、(6)成員間的知識分享自我效能程度,會正向影響成員的口碑參與行為、(7)成員間的相容性意識程度,會正向影響成員的口碑參與行為。研究也證實廠商需從消費者情感面著手,傳遞情感,創造消費者「能夠買到這產品真好」的情不自禁氛圍,此外更證實消費者已不再是純粹的購物,轉而變成是可以向他人彰顯自我價值的表現。本研究最後提出學術與實務意涵、以及貢獻總結。


During the Internet era, the WOM does not need to rely on word of mouth, but on the keyboard and mouse. Essentially, social networking sites (SNS) become the new Internet portal. Based on Social Cognitive Theory, social capital theory, and personal perceptions of knowledge sharing, this study explores the eWOM engagement behavior. Using 260 pretest questionnaires through the three-stage, and nine rounds of semantics confirmation, the research sample finally consists of 610 valid questionnaires. This study adopts the structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the proposed models, showing a good fit. The results indicate all of the twenty-six research hypotheses are supported. The results show that the environmental factors of social capital theory positively influence the eWOM engagement behavior and the personal factors of personal perceptions of knowledge sharing also positively influence the eWOM engagement behavior. The study also significantly show (1) the social interaction between SNS users positively influences the degree of Shared Vision; (2) the social interaction between SNS users positively influences the degree of reciprocity and trust among users as well as the community recognition; (3) the amount of shared language between SNS users positively influences the degree of community recognition and trust among user; (4) the degree of reciprocity among SNS users positively influences the eWOM engagement; (5) the degree of trust among members positively influence the eWOM engagement; (6) the degree of knowledge sharing and self-efficacy among SNS users positively influences the eWOM engagement; (7) the degree of perceived compatibility among SNS users positively influences the eWOM engagement. The study confirms that the firm needs to convey emotion to customers using the consumer sentiment. Finally, this study provides the theoretical and practical implications.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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