


Applicability of Prospect Theory on Impulse Buying Intention and Relationship between Impulse Buying Tendency and Impulse Buying Intention


莊淳淩(Chun-Ling Chuang);田鴻麟(Hong-Lin Tian);林榮禾(Rong-Ho Lin)


衝動購買傾向 ; 衝動購買意願 ; 展望理論 ; 確定效果 ; 分離效果 ; impulse buying tendency (IBT) ; impulse buying intention (IBI) ; prospect theory(PT) ; certainty effect (CE) ; isolation effect (IE)




12卷1期(2015 / 03 / 01)


99 - 127




展望理論(prospect theory,PT):探討人們在各種風險情境的選擇。展望理論的效果是消費者購物是普遍的現象。很少研究探討展望理論在衝動購買意願(impulsebuying intention,IBI)的影響。本研究探討兩種展望理論效應(確定效果與分離效果)對衝動購買意願的影響,並針對大眾品與獨特品,測試衝動購買傾向(impulse buyingtendency,IBT)對衝動購買意願的影響。本研究利用結構方程模型測試假設,有效樣本為544位在校大學生。研究結果顯示,學生們在一階段與兩階段價格折扣的衝動購買意願,都是偏愛確定的效果多於機率的折扣,形成確定效果與分離效果;大眾品的衝動購買傾向強烈正向的影響大眾品的衝動購買意願,但不會影響獨特品的衝動購買意願;獨特品的衝動購買傾向的結果是相同的。這些結果,提供銷售人員在他們的目標市場鼓勵衝動購買意願的管理意涵。


Prospect theory (PT) explored people's choices under situations of various risks. The effects of Prospect theory (PT) are prevalent phenomena in consumers' shopping. Fewer studies explored role of PT on impulse buying intention (IBI). This study verifies two PT effecting (certainty effect; CE, and isolation effect; IE) on IBI, and to examine that impulse buying tendency (IBT) makes influence on IBI for public and unique products. The survey usable respondents were 544 undergraduates. Structural equation modeling was used to test proposed hypotheses. Finding results show that students prefer certain discount to probable discount on IBI of one-phase and two-phase discounts forming certainty effect and isolation effect, and IBT for a public product has strongly positive influence on IBI for a public product but no influence on IBI for a unique product, there is same result in IBT for a unique product. These finding results provide managerial implications for sellers to encourage IBI in their target markets.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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