


Exploring the Influence of Community Attachment on City Brand Attitudes: A Consideration of Tourism Impact


莊苑仙(Yuan-Hsien Chuang)


社區依附 ; 觀光衝擊 ; 都市品牌態度 ; community attachment ; tourism impact ; city brand attitudes




12卷2期(2015 / 06 / 01)


189 - 213






The formation of a city brand requires the support and cooperation of its residents. However, depend on tourism to develop a city brand has both positive and negative impacts on local residents and affects the quality of their lives and their attitudes toward city branding. In this study, questionnaire surveys were conducted in tourist areas to understand residents' perspectives on factors affecting their attitudes toward city branding. The results of our surveys show that with regard to economic dependence as control factor, positive perceptions of the impact of tourism have a significant influence on city brand attitudes. Community attachment has positive effects on both perceptions of the impact of tourism and on city brand attitudes. A positive perception of the impact of tourism has a partial mediation effect between community attachment and city brand attitudes. Negative perception of the impact of tourism was not negative but positive correlation with community attachment and city brand attitudes. However, that negative perception of the impact does not negatively city brand attitudes. Separately, it could not be established that a negative perception of the impact of tourism has a mediating effect between community attachment and city brand attitudes. Critical factors for the establishment of a city brand attitude include community attachment and a positive perception of the impact of tourism. Taking into consideration resident perspectives, it is important to investigate the issue of reducing negative perceptions toward the impact of tourism when establishing a city brand attitude

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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