


The Effects of Social Media Marketing on Consumer's Community Cognition and Behavior Intentions in O2O Business Model


陳欽雨(Chin-Yeu Chen);呂博裕(Bor-Yuh Leu);蘇培豪(Pei-Hao Su)


社群媒體行銷 ; 社群信任 ; 社群認同 ; 知識分享意圖 ; social media marketing ; community identification ; community trust ; knowledge sharing intention




13卷1期(2016 / 03 / 01)


1 - 35




本研究在探討線上到線下(online to offline; O2O)平台業者提供的社群媒體行銷活動對消費者之社群認同、信任、知識分享及購買意圖之影響。近年來隨著行動商務的 興起,O2O電子商務活動變成是新興的購物模式,而平台業者為取得更大的獲利機會及市佔率,一般會透過經營社群網站,提供多元的社群媒體行銷活動,以瞭解消費者的社群認知及行為意圖。本研究以刺激、有機體及反應模型為理論基礎,建立一包含刺激、認知及行為的三個層級分析架構,採用網路問卷調查及實證分析方式,運用結構方程模式驗證所提出之研究假說。研究發現社群媒體行銷之娛樂性、互動性及網路口碑均對社群認同呈現顯著的正向影響;而互動性及網路口碑亦對社群信任具有顯著的正向影響。此外,社群認同對社群信任及知識分享意圖亦呈現顯著的正向影響;而社群信任則對知識分享意圖及購買意圖具有顯著的正向影響;此表示O2O平台業者應致力於提升消費者對其社群之信任感,如此有助於增進他們的知識分享與購買意圖。最後,根據研究結果提出管理意涵及建議,作為O2O平台業者經營網路社群及擬定社 群媒體行銷策略以提升競爭力之參考。


The purposes of the current study are to explore the effects of social media marketing activities on community identification, trust, knowledge sharing and purchase intentions. As the advancement of mobile commerce, a new e-commerce model of Online to Offline (O2O) shopping activity for consumers has been aroused recently. Hence, in order to enlarge their profits and extend market shares, the O2O platform suppliers usually need to operate a community website and provide more social media marketing activities to understand consumers’ community cognition and behavior intentions. The research developed a three-level analytic framework including stimulus, organism, and response, conducted a web survey and an empirical analysis using the method of structural equation modeling to test the proposed hypotheses. The results reveal that the constructs of entertainment, interaction and electric word-of-mouth of social media marketing show a significantly positive effect on community identification. Besides, the constructs of interaction and electric word-of-mouth of social media marketing have a significantly positive effect on community trust. Moreover, community identification shows a significantly positive influence on consumers’ community trust and knowledge sharing intention. Subsequently, consumers’ community trust can positively affect on knowledge sharing and purchase intentions. This implies that the O2O platform suppliers should devote to increase community trust so as to help promoting consumers’ knowledge sharing and purchase intensions. The results provide the practitioners as a reference for operating web community and designing the social media marketing strategies to enhance their competitive capability.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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