


Is a Foreign Language More Attractive? The Effects of Japanese Code-Switching Advertising


周軒逸(Hsuan-Yi Chou);任容(Jung Jen)


符碼轉換廣告 ; 品牌來源國 ; 日語理解程度 ; 產品屬性重要性 ; 產品涉入 ; code-switching advertising ; brand-country of origin ; degree of Japanese comprehension ; product attribute importance ; product involvement




13卷3期(2016 / 09 / 01)


313 - 344






Recent advertising practices in Taiwan indicate that local firms and multinational corporations usually embed foreign language such as Japanese in ad slogans, ad content, and brand names to expand the audiences' imagination. "Code-switching" refers to the insertion of foreign words or expressions into advertising, resulting in a mixed-language message. This study explores the effects of Japanese code-switching advertising and the possible moderators of its advertising effectiveness. The results of two experiments reveal the following. For consumers with a low degree of Japanese comprehension, a whole-Chinese ad is more effective than an ad containing Japanese code-switching. In contrast, for consumers with a high degree of Japanese comprehension, advertising with code-switching in Taiwanese brands is more effective than with whole Chinese. As for a Japanese brand, whether the advertising uses code-switching or not, the results remain the same. In ads that feature the primary attributes of advertised products by using Japanese code-switching or that feature the secondary product attributes by using non code-switching, both types of matching will improve consumers' attitudinal responses and purchase intentions. Moreover, the match-up effects would be enhanced under low product-involvement conditions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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