


The Relationship of Online Information Exchange and Offline Purchase Intention: Dually Driven by Motivation-Opportunity-Ability and Social Capital


吳師豪(Shih-Hao Wu);許永佳(Yung-Chia Hsu)


線上資訊交換 ; 線下購買意圖 ; MOA 架構 ; 社會資本理論 ; online information exchange ; offline purchase intention ; MOA Framework ; social capital theory




13卷4期(2016 / 12 / 01)


415 - 450




在線上 (online) 搜尋與分享各種產品資訊,已成為消費者的日常生活行為,此外,消費者在線上搜尋與討論產品資訊對於其在線下 (offline) 購買行為的影響力,也愈來愈受到理論與實務的關注。Gartner (2013)調查,74%的消費者依賴網路社群做消費決策,網路社群的資訊交換已改變了消費者的購買行為模式。本研究探索 MOA 架構(motivation, opportunity, ability) 與社會資本理論 (social capital theory) 對線上(online) 資訊交換的影響,進而分析線上資訊交換與線下 (offline) 購買意圖之關係,以期建構一個 O2O 的理論模式。本研究採便利抽樣法,以網路問卷方式取得 679 位網路論壇參與者的有效樣本,以結構方程模式 (SEM) 驗證本研究之假設關係。研究發現:(1) MOA 架構與社會資本理論對於消費者在線上資訊交換具正向的影響力,且解釋力高達 0.71;(2) 而線上資訊交換會正向影響消費者在線下購買意圖。本研究的發現具有重要的理論與實務意涵。


Consumers searching and sharing product information online has become prevalent. Besides, the effect of online knowledge exchange on offline purchasing decisions has attracted close attention from researchers and practitioners. Gartner (2013) posits that networking communities have changed consumer behavior because 74% of consumers make their purchasing decisions based on the suggestions provided by networking community members. This study incorporates offline purchase intention as the outcome variable and explores the impacts that the MOA framework (motivation, opportunity, ability) and the social capital theory generate on online information exchange. Furthermore, this study examines the relationship between online information exchange and offline purchase intention, in order to construct an extensive model in the context of O2O. This study deploys convenience sampling method to collect questionnaires online from networking community members. Analysis upon 679 valid responses using structural equation modeling (SEM) reveals that (1) both MOA framework and social capital theory hold positive impacts on online information exchange, (2) online information exchange positively influences consumers' offline purchase intention which empirically confirms the extensive model of online information exchange proposed in this study. Important theoretical and managerial implications are also discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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