


The Relationships among Brand Attachment for Component Brand, Brand Image, Co-Brand Fit, Co-Brand Evaluation and Purchase Intentions


蕭苑瑜(Uan-U Hsiao);陳冠穎(Kuan-Ying Chen);蔡進發(Chin-Fa Tsai);魏妤倩(Yu-Chien Wei)


元件品牌 ; 品牌依附 ; 共品牌契合度 ; 共品牌評價 ; 共品牌購買意願 ; component brand ; brand attachment ; co-brand fit ; co-brand evaluation ; co-brand purchase intentions




14卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


23 - 49




本研究以元件品牌作為主軸,探討元件品牌的品牌依附、元件品牌的品牌形象、共品牌契合度、共品牌評價與共品牌購買意願之間的關係。本研究以問卷調查法訪問365 位某大學管理學院的學生,並使用結構方程模式來檢驗此一新模型的適配度和相關假說,得到以下結論:(1) 元件品牌依附對於共品牌評價具有正向影響;(2) 高契合度時的元件品牌依附對共品牌評價的影響會顯著大於低契合度情況;(3) 共品牌契合度對共品牌評價具有正向的影響;(4) 元件品牌的品牌形象對於共品牌評價具有正向的影響;(5) 共品牌評價對於共品牌購買意願具有正向的影響。


Component brand is the mainly object in this study. This study aims to examine the relationships among brand attachment for component brand, brand image for component brand, co-brand fit, co-brand evaluation, and co-brand purchase intentions. This study interviews 365 undergraduate students from Management College of National Chiayi University. The structural equation modeling (SEM) is conducted to test the model fit and related hypotheses. This study arrives at the following results. Frist, the brand attachment for component brand has a positive effect on co-brand evaluation. Second, brand attachment for component brand has a greater impact on co-brand evaluation in the condition of high co-brand fit than in the condition of low co-brand fit. Third, the co-brand fit has a positive effect on co-brand evaluation. Fourth, brand image for component brand has a positive effect on co-brand evaluation. Fifth, the co-brand evaluation has a positive effect on co-brand purchase intentions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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