


Developing a Scale to Measure Fashion Readiness: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis Approach


蕭丞傑(Cheng-Chieh Hsiao)


流行行銷 ; 流行準備度 ; 流行自我效能 ; 流行焦慮 ; 流行意見領袖 ; fashion marketing ; fashion readiness ; fashion self-efficacy ; fashion anxiety ; fashion opinion leadership




14卷1期(2017 / 03 / 01)


51 - 74




近年來亞洲之流行服飾與奢侈品消費市場成長快速,為了有效預測消費者的流行消費行為,本研究之目的係在於提出流行準備度之概念及其四構面,藉以評估消費者之流行準備度。本研究蒐集了 365 位消費者資料,運用驗證性因素分析發展出一個13 題之流行準備度量表,包含了流行自我效能、流行焦慮、流行涉入及流行創新性等四大構面。本研究不僅進一步證實了流行準備度與流行意見領袖之間具有正相關,並且透過二階驗證性因素分析支持了四構面的內聚性。最後,本研究提出了許多流行準備度之學術研究與行銷管理意涵。


Recently, fashion and luxury markets in Asia have grown rapidly. In order to effectively predict fashion consumer behavior, the objective of this study is to propose and evaluate the concept and dimensions of a consumer's fashion readiness. After collecting data from 365 consumers in Taiwan, this study conducts confirmatory factor analysis to develop a 13-item fashion readiness scale, which includes four facets: fashion self-efficacy, fashion anxiety, fashion involvement, and fashion innovativeness. This study not only confirms the positive relationship between fashion readiness and fashion opinion leadership, but also provides support for the convergence among four facets of fashion readiness through a second-order confirmatory factor analysis. Finally, several academic and marketing implications for fashion readiness are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 經濟學
社會科學 > 管理學
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